Thursday, 12 September 2013

7. Audience Expectations

The genre of film I am creating is Teen Comedy. The target audience for this genre is therefore teenagers or people from ages of around 12 - 18. This is because the comedy and narrative of Teen comedies is typically based on things teenagers would find funny and can relate to.

This Jicnar scale puts people into catagories A, B, C1, C2, D and E based on their job -

The demographic that I think would watch my genre of film would be catagory E. This group includes students (teenagers) as they most likely do not have a job or have a part time unskilled job. Even though only 8% of the population fall into this catagory, I think this is a good age range of people to target a film at as they usually have more free time and would be happy to spend it at the cinema or at home watching a film.

The BBFC classification that my film fits into is 12A. The effect this will have on my target audience is that it will allow all teenagers over the age of 12 to watch the film. Where as, if I had classed the film as a 15 it would prevent people from the ages of 12-14 viewing the film, even though they could have enjoyed it. Therefore, giving it a 12A rating will enable everyone in my target audience to watch and be entertained by the film.

To find out what my target audience would expect from a Teen comedy, I filmed some people between the ages of 12-18 (teenagers) and asked them what they would expect.
I combined these quick interviews into one video -

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